Happy Birthday???

10:47 PM

Things didn't go well as planned, there's a typhoon today- Ondoy , and it's raining non-stop, beau's still stranded in his office, flood is everywhere.. it brings my memory back when I turned 23..It was also raining hard but unlike today, rain falls heavier-Milenyo was more of wind..

I don't really know how I feel right now, it's sad but still hopeful for my friends, beau's safety..I still hope I could celebrate it happily..

I pray for their safety, please return soon..

Se ni to ka han ni ta
Se ni to ka han ni ta
Chi bu e so
U chi e so
Se ni sa ra han ni ta
Cuc cuc ta ko cuc te
Ke po ta to pai ke
Sa sai bu tai
U kai ma ke
Happy birthday to you
Se ni to ka han ni ta
Se ni to ka han ni ta
Cuc ta o
Me chi bu ya
Ki ku ki ke sa ma u
Se ni chu ka han ni ta

Se ni chu ka han ni ta
Chi bu e so
U chi e so
Che sa ra han ni ta
Cuc cu ta to cuc te
ke po ta to pai ke
Sa cha bu ta
Yo ka mai te
Happy birthday to you
Se ni to ka han ni ta
Se ni to ka han ni ta
Kai ya bop cu
Ne che bui ya
Cuc cu.....nho sa la u

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