
I'm proud of you cuz!

One of my closest relative my cousin te zhel is into photography.. she took my pictures when we're in Hong Kong and now she's taking it seriously, she even had workshop with David from England, here are some samples..my cousin as a model, i love the make upi wanna wear a gown too!!here are the sample shots..she's getting better and better.. goodluck cuz,...

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i wanna win this..

WIN: My Beauty Diary Mask Sampler Pack starting to love mask..see post on face shop and watson's mask..Sunday!Time to perform my duties in the church, time to stay at home and relax or go to the mall, food trip and buy things.. ...

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school is stressful when...

...when I'm working as staff...at the same time as a student...and at the same time I'm an instructor...added up the prob title...and the so late approval of papersthought I wanna give up... but nah! cry over little things makes me better, good thing I have a yogurt aside.. ...

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into nail art? check this out...

http://naive-nails.blogspot.com/2009/11/holiday-giveaway.html#commentsshe's having her giveaways so click the link...http://naive-nails.blogspot.com/ ...

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Done with my 1st teaching day!

out of 41 listed on my masterlist 25+ were present some were even late, uoh they don't know they already have an instructor! and it's me! do they think i'm just a student, most of the time me and che were mistaken as student.. young looking staff ei?!1st day: course outline, grouping, unit designation then assignment..so what's next?let's see!I have lots of things...

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yesterday's a staff, today's a student tomorrow's an instructor?

yes guys! things were happening really fast and now I will be an instructor, minor subject.. Comp 1.. basic computer application etc. I just received the offer yesterday and then today I arrange my schedule for work/school/teaching, Monday will be hectic, work-teach-then school at night...I accept it primarily for additional income, next it will help my subject in teaching, experience and hope it'll...

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1st day class!

So we got lost in finding room 434, only to know its move on room 439, we waited till 5:45 pm class schedule 5pm, our prof? the doctors of all doctors, mentors of most head directors in our school.Dr.S.DC.... hmmm some may knew her as she teaches on different school in Manila including PUP, AMA and NEU.. most of my classmates were degree...

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back to school!

yes guys! I'm a student again! enrolled for educ. units, requirements for Masteral Degree, it's a privilege for working in school, i get discount plus I have all the resources I need. Classes will start on Monday, no conflict at work, all 9 units are schedule after work. Goodluck to me, I'm quite excited..cheers! ...

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Amici+bowling=My Papa's birthday

November 8 is my Father's birthday so a way to celebrate it is to have great food and family bonding at the Mall..After some errands we went to Megamall, head straight to Amici, a really jump pack self service resto with delicious food and gelati (as of now I'm having colds and tonsillitis off from work but have time to blog this, yah)so...

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http://makeuploveforever.blogspot.com/2009/10/polka-dotted-apples-first-giveaway.htmlWhat is your most prized possession? my familyWhat is your definition of beauty? beauty comes with personalityWhat makeup item (Brand and name of product) would you recommend to me? nars, aveneWhat is your favorite KIND of makeup item and why? avene, hypoallergenicA weird factoid about you. :B serious joker? is that weird?What is the fondest memory of your childhood? playing street gamesDescribe yourself...

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up for more giveaways!!

A Watercolor Sky is hosting her 2nd Anniversary giveaway: click here Giveaways Alert #16 Daituf is having her 50 followers giveaway: click hereThe Fashionable is also having a giveaway: click here Giveaways Alert #15 With Love, Elle is having her 1st giveaway: click hereSweetcheeks is having her 100 followers giveaway: click hereHelen and Sheenie is also having a giveaway: click hereHe Qi Crystal...

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Wazz up for this week??

This week, been busy for school's 2nd sem enrolment, tired of walking, standing, assisting etc. My legs and back aches and everytime I come home, I feel exhausted.. but it was good, busy days means there something to do more than programming and chatting. What about my long weekend?After having MUs I decided to go with beau. Tagaytay and EK, sad after knowing...

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