Done with 10 days vacation!!!
7:45 PMHow fast time it's July. I had my 10 days off from work because of the AH1N1 quarantine.. what did I do?? here's my list:
-Facebook! plant, harvest and steal in barn buddy
-Finished Boys over Flower korean drama from episode 14-25 including behind the scenes
-Still watching They Kiss Again
-Earn stars in Kado 1 to 3 got something to do with internet huh??
-Play Guitar hero and Harvest Moon on PS2 until my head hurts
-Attend the Wedding Expo at PICC forum
-Watch the Transformers..yeh!!
-Attend devotional prayer every morning/night
-Unit inspection of my cousin's house
-Rest, Sleep and!!
-loose 1 lb..oh i wish!!
too bad i didn't paint, it's hard when i'm not in the mood!!hard to get on the right mind's focused on BOF!!!oh well..confession of an addict to asianovelas..
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