Art mood is back!

7:29 PM

After how many months, Alas! I've made a's special because I draw a close friend, my officemate che, done in 20 minutes,made it specially for her birthday.. not too much emphasizing details of her hair and cap, she likes it though, i think..anyway it's the thought that

Here are some of my doodles..from May to July.. When bored, got nothing to do? then doodle...
see I can make Arts..

I draw Moo to make a clip, video in a way he's dancing and raising his hands..yeh!

Cute! love story!
who's cooking??!!
My dream wedding gown, shoes, flower and cake! ah dreams..

Love drawing nose and lips..and oh eyes!!
Fruits! what else!
Taken when we went to Themes and Motifs Wedding Expo.

Finally I wanna share this picture taken while walking on our way home..see the sunset..Gives me the feeling of a day end and tomorrows a new day..

(currently listening to Boys Over Flower OST and watching We got married!)

Goodnight Neverland!

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